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Also rhabdomyo‑.

A rod or rodlike structure.

Greek rhabdos, rod.

Rhabdomancy is dowsing with a rod or stick; a rhabdom or rhabdome is a translucent cylinder forming part of the light-sensitive receptor in the eye of an arthropod; something rhabdoid is rodlike; a rhabdocoel (Greek koilos, hollow) is a turbellarian worm of the order Rhabdocoela; a rhabdovirus is any of a group of rod-shaped RNA viruses, including the rabies virus.

The compound form rhabdomyo‑ (Greek mus, mu‑, mouse or muscle) is used in medicine to refer to striated or skeletal muscle: rhabdomyolysis, the destruction of striated muscle cells; rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare malignant tumour involving striated muscle tissue.

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