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Also lymphaden(o)‑ and lymphangi(o)-.


Latin lympha, limpa, water.

Lymph is a fluid containing white blood cells, which drains through the lymphatic system into the bloodstream; lymph nodes are small swellings in the lymphatic system where lymph is filtered and lymphocytes are formed, small white blood cells with a single round nucleus; a lymphoma (plural lymphomas or lymphomata) is a cancer of the lymph nodes, of which an example is Hodgkin's disease; lymphoblasts are abnormal cells resembling large lymphocytes, produced in a form of leukaemia.

The compound form lymphadeno‑ (Greek adēn, gland) refers specifically to the lymph nodes; examples include lymphadenopathy, a disease affecting them, and lymphadenitis, inflammation of them. Another compound form lymphangio‑ (Greek angeion, vessel) refers to a lymphatic vessel, as in lymphangioma, a localized collection of distended lymphatic vessels that may result in a cyst, and lymphangitis, inflammation of lymph vessels.

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