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Denoting an action, its result, or something associated with it.

From Portuguese, Provençal, or Spanish words ending in ‑ada, or Italian words ending in ‑ata, derived from the Latin ‑atus, made of.

Words in ‑ade have usually come into English through French. The derivation is often less than obvious, as with barricade, from Spanish barrica for a barrel or cask, as barrels were often used to build barricades. Similarly, arcade, a covered passage with arches along one or both sides, is based on Latin arcus for a bow, in allusion to the curve of the arches. A cavalcade, a kind of procession, ultimately derives from Latin cavalcare, to ride. Lemonade is from French limonade; in imitation English has other names for drinks, such as cherryade, gingerade, limeade, and orangeade.

See also ‑ado and ‑cade.

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